Meet the Resident Creative Soul.
The Artist and His Muse.Hi, I’m Chris, aka the Bouncing Skull. Long road, longer story.
That’s my best friend and wife Christy. Yea yea, I know. It’s cute. We didn’t plan it. She was actually a little mad, because everyone always called her Chris before she met me. Been downhill for her since then. Sorry, honey!
I’ve been creating art and working seriously with computers and technology since before 1976. I am grateful for so many of the talented and amazing creative souls I have had the privelege to work with over the decades and learn and grow from as a creative, and as a person. Men and women alike, I have had amazing people help me along the way, and I have always tried to pay that forward.
When it comes to art and design, I have always loved to create, but the commercial and Hollywood/Game world is partly what shaped the artist I have become. While the conventional “fine art” market has always been something I have been very involved with, it wasn’t to sell or promote my own work.
With technologies and digital provenance tools like blockchains and NFT’s, I have become truly enrgized to share my imagination through visual imagery for the sake of art alone, for the first time in my career.
My faith In Jesus Christ also centers me, gives me a solid moral foundation, and also shapes my art. I prefer art that is beautiful. Funny. Eclectic. Uplifting, Wild. Art that lifts or challenges the human spirit.
I hope you enjoy what I’ve built here, and you may want to buy a piece.
I’m as old as a 1969 Ford Mustang. Still revv’ing hard, but not too many miles left. 🙂
God Bless and Be Well
Chris Tome
P.S. We are working on some very kewl things behind the scenes, and are quietly building a crew to do some incredible things with Ai, Art, 3D and the Metaverse. Keep in touch with us and sign up for The Society. When you buy any NFT, you automatically qualify for greater access!
From San Francisco to West Virginia
One of the many faces the Bouncing Skull has worn over the years, was as the Technical Editor and Conference Organizer for the CMP 3D Group. From 1995 to 2001, I was deep in Silicon Valley, headed the local San Francisco SIGGRAPH Chapter for five years, and was the co-founder and leader of The Guerilla Gallery / The Studio for many years.
I now reside in Charleston, West Virginia and am grateful to be here. Now.
Working with, helping, promoting and enjoying being around other creative souls, from visual effects artists, to painters, game designers, digital sculptors and so many more, you all inspire me to always strive for more.
Thank You.
The Best Way to Learn, is to Teach.
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“I love skulls. I have one!”
“In all these areas, Chris’ work was exemplary. He would be a tremendous asset to any organization in need of a creative, energetic specialist in computer graphics.”